miCROPe 2024 Banner
International symposium miCROPe2024 "Microbe-assisted crop production - opportunities, challenges and needs", July 15-18, 2024, Vienna, Austria


26.04. Information on the workshop "Possible future guidance and risk assessment for novel microbial and microbiome solutions for biocontrol in European agriculture" has been added.

4th EUCARPIA Workshop on Implementing Plant-Microbe Interactions in Plant Breeding, July. 19, 2024, UFT Tulln, Austria.

Organized by: Pierre Hohmann (BonaPlanta), Valentin Gfeller (FiBL), Friederike Trognitz (AIT) and Monika Messmer, FiBL

Introductory video to EUCARPIA workshop

Description: The 4th EUCARPIA workshop “Implementing Plant-Microbe Interactions in Plant Breeding” will foster the dialogue between scientists from different disciplines and breeding value chain members who share the vision of making holobiont considerations a reality in breeding and propagation practices.

When: July 19., 9:00-16:30 (approx. times, exact schedule will follow)

Registration for the Workshop:

  • miCROPe symposium participants can register and pay for the workshop inside the miCROPe registration system after registering for the main symposium.
  • If you only want to register for the workshop alone and not for the main miCROPe symposium please use the supplied registration link from the flyer PDF linked below instead.

Workshop registration cost for miCROPe participants: EUR 80,-


  • Abstract submission for EUCARPIA - EXTENDED until June 7!
  • Registration for EUCARPIA is open until June 21

Cancellations: If the workshop is cancelled participants will be refunded.

Abstracts: Any abstract submissions for the satellite workshop must be made directly via e-mail to the satellite workshop organizer Pierre Hohmann: pierre@bonaplanta.eu. Please note that abstracts submitted in the registration system are only for the main miCROPe Symposium!

More information can be found in the Flyer PDF .

5th International Training Course & Workshop on Advanced microscopy techniques for plant-microbe interaction analysis, July 8-12, Tulln, Austria

5th International Training Course & Workshop on Adavnced microscopy techniques for plant-microbe interaction analysis

Organized by: Stéphane Compant, AIT (AT) & Ursula Sauer, AIT (AT)

Lectures and practical work: Fungal transformation, staining methods incl. labeling metabolically active
bacteria, fluorescence in situ hydrization (FISH), confocal microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), image analysis, 3D modelling.

Download the Flyer .

Registration for the Course: The registration and general management for the „Advanced microscopy techniques for plant-microbe interaction analysis” training course, taking place July 8-12, does not use our registration system and is handled completely separate. For more information please check the training course website. Please note that a maximum number of 20 participants will be accepted.


  • Early bird registration with reduced fees for the Plant-microbe microscopy workshop: May 15,2024

Cancellations: for information regarding cancellations please see the training course website.

Possible future guidance and risk assessment for novel microbial and microbiome solutions for biocontrol in European agriculture, July. 19, 2024, AIT Tulln, Austria

Organized by: Günter Brader, AIT (AT)

RATION (Risk Assessment Innovation for Low-Risk Pesticides) is a research project funded by the European Commission and is going to address a pressing problem at EU level, the regulatory constraints hampering the full potential and market reach out of Low-Risk Pesticides.
Microbial pesticides are belonging to the most used and advanced category of biopesticides with more than 70 fungal, bacterial and virus products at EU level. In addition, new microbial solutions based on bacteriophages, protists and microbial consortia or synthetic microbial communities are under development at different stages-

The workshop “Possible future guidance and risk assessment for novel microbial and microbiome solutions for biocontrol in European agriculture” aims at gathering relevant stakeholders to collect their views and identify needs to assist in the future development of the future guidance for novel microbial solutions. Scientists will give overviews on the novel microbial solutions and representatives from industry and public sectors are invited to discuss future guiding principles for shaping the regulatory future of microbial plant protection products in Europe.

When & Where
19 July 2024, UFT Tulln
Konrad Lorenz Strasse 24

Time: 9:00-14:00 (approx. times, exact schedule will follow)

(close to Vienna, Austria)

Registration for the Workshop

  • miCROPe symposium participants can register and pay for the workshop inside the miCROPe registration system after registering for the main symposium.
  • If you only want to register for the workshop alone and not for the main miCROPe symposium, please register by sending an email to guenter.brader@ait.ac.at

Participation fees (for administration, including coffee and snacks): EUR 80,-


  • Registration for the workshop is extended until 30 June 2024!
Cancellations: If the workshop is cancelled participants will be refunded.


Satellite event to miCROPe 2024

Flyer iamge

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, as entrusted by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs, is conducting a technical study concerning the assessment of safety and environmental risks as well as the agronomic efficiency of microorganisms used as plant biostimulants. This technical study aims to facilitate the incorporation of additional microorganisms into Component Material Category (CMC) 7, as stipulated in Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 (Fertilising Products Regulation, FPR).

The workshop “How to amend CMC 7 of the new FPR” will gather relevant industry stakeholders to collect their views and identify specific needs to assist in the future development of the FPR. In dialogue between scientists and representatives from fertiliser and biologicals industry sectors, we will develop guiding principles for shaping the regulatory future of microbial plant biostimulants in Europe.

Download the Flyer .

Orangerie + Apothekertrakt, conference room
Schönbrunn Castle, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47
1130 Vienna, Austria

Time: 10:00-12:00 (approx. times, exact schedule will follow)

Registration for the Workshop

  • miCROPe symposium participants can register and pay for the workshop inside the miCROPe registration system after registering for the main symposium.
  • If you only want to register for the workshop alone and not for the main miCROPe symposium, please register by sending an email to evelyn.hackl@ait.ac.at

Participation fees (for administration, including coffee and snacks): EUR 30,-


  • Registration for the workshop is open until - EXTENDED until 30 June 2024!
  • Deregistration (refunded) possible until 21 June 2024
Cancellations: If the workshop is cancelled participants will be refunded.